Cheesecake with wild lingonberry

for approx. 14 pieces


125 g butter
25 g sugar
5 eggs (size M)
250 g flour
700 g double cream Quark
250 g low-fat quark cheese
1 sachet vanilla sugar
50 g durum wheat semolina
250 g Darbo all natural wild lingonberry sauce (tart)
2 apples

Flour for hands and work Surface
Pre-grease for the mould

for approx. 14 pieces


Mix together butter, 75 g sugar, 1 egg, flour and 1 pinch salt using the dough hooks of the hand mixer. Then with floured-covered hands, knead into an even dough. Wrap dough in foil and cool for about 30 minutes.

Mix together the cream cheese, quark cheese and the remaining sugar. Stir in the remaining eggs one after the other. Add the vanilla sugar and semolina to the quark mixture. Roll the dough on a floured work surface until it is round (approx. 34 cm Ø) and use to line a pre-greased springform pan (26 cm Ø). Lightly press down the edges (approx. 3 cm high) as you line.

Spread 50 g Darbo all natural wild lingonberry sauce (tart) on the base layer. Peel and quarter apples and remove the core. Cut apple quarters into small cubes and spread on the dough layer. Put the cheese and quark mixture on top and smoothen. Spread the remaining Darbo all natural wild lingonberry sauce (tart) on the cheese and quark mixture. Then swirl with a fork.

Bake in a preheated oven (electric cooker: 175° C/ circulating air: 150° C/ gas: see manufacturer’s instructions) for 45-55 minutes on the lower rack. Remove and let cool on a cake rack. Remove cake from the edging and serve on a cake plate.

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